Our Affiliation with the UC Davis Cancer Care Network


Expanding your reach—to better treat your cancer

The more your oncologist knows about your cancer—and the tools available to treat that cancer—the better your healing will be. At the AIS Cancer Center, your oncologist has an incredible resource: UC Davis.

UC Davis is one of only 41 cancer centers in the nation with the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Center designation. That makes UC Davis a real powerhouse in the fight against cancer.

Very few hospitals in California are part of the UC Davis Cancer Care Network—and we're the only one in Bakersfield. We can bring all the power of this network to bear on your cancer.

Up-to-the-minute cancer treatment knowledge

All oncologists are required to stay up to date on cancer therapies. But our affiliation with UC Davis lets us do more; it allows your oncologist to talk about your cancer with some of the best cancer experts available.

Your doctor might bring up your case during a virtual tumor board meeting, or your oncologist might connect with a colleague at UC Davis for one-on-one insights about therapies and solutions.

Even if your doctor doesn't talk about your cancer directly, learning and growth will still take place. Our oncologists attend weekly meetings with UC Davis staff via videoconference. Each week, they learn more about the challenges their colleagues face when fighting cancer, and what works and what doesn't.

That means our team knows more about the front lines of cancer therapy than almost any other team you could access in the state of California. It's remarkable, and it's available to you.

Access to cancer clinical trials

The affiliation also allows us to offer clinical trials in oncology. When you sign up for a study, you tap into a new cancer treatment option not available elsewhere in Bakersfield.