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Healthy snack ideas


We’ve all hit the wall. It’s mid-morning or mid-afternoon and you just can’t make it until the next meal before you need to eat something. It’s snack time! Don’t deny your body the fuel it needs, but do make healthy decisions when it comes to your snacks. Keep sugar, unhealthy fats and salt content on your mind when selecting what you’re going to munch on to get you to the next meal. Also, it’s a good idea to pre-plan your snacks for the day so that you don’t make poor decisions out of desperation and blinded by low blood sugar.  

Here are some ideas to get you started: 

Apples with peanut butter – High in fiber and protein, this simple snack always hits the spot. Look for natural peanut butter to get the most out of this snack. 

Veggies and hummus – Carrot sticks, celery sticks, cucumber rounds or bell pepper slices are all excellent for dipping into some creamy hummus. Switch it up with new and exciting hummus flavors like roasted red pepper, sun-dried tomato, spinach and artichoke or even spicy flavored options.  

Trail mix – This flavorful on-the-go favorite is packed with high-protein nuts and dried fruit. Cut the extra sugar and make this from scratch for a snack that will give you a big nutritional boost without the added sugar of pre-packed varieties.  

Avocado toast – We know, we know, but millennials really have something special here. Avocados are an excellent source of healthy fat, and using them to top a high-fiber piece of whole-grain toast will really stick to your ribs. Season with a tiny bit of salt and pepper or a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and you’re all set! 

Greek yogurt – Another great protein-packed option. Check the nutrition facts and look for added sugars that could turn this otherwise healthful snack into a dessert. Add some flair with different toppings like granola, nuts, fruit (fresh or dried), shaved coconut or a tiny bit of honey or agave.  

Piece of fruit – Never underestimate a perfectly ripe piece of juicy seasonal fruit. Yum! 

Edamame – Eat the beans and use the shells in your composting pile. A tiny bit of salt on these is all you need, and you can enjoy them both warm or cold.  

For the more advanced snacker, here are some delicious recipes to take your snacking to the next level. They might take a little time to prepare, but that just means you’ll be sure to enjoy them that much more! 

Roasted chickpeas – Chickpeas pack a nutritional punch and can even help lower cholesterol! Roast these for 20 to 30 minutes in a bit of olive oil and any seasoning that fits your mood until crunchy. Avoid adding too much salt which will be counter-productive to lowering cholesterol.   

Granola bars – Cut out the preservatives and make your own granola bars at home! This recipe calls for dates, apricots and dried cranberries, but any combination of dried fruit would work well. Love raisins? Swap them in!   

Spinach and cannellini bean dip – Sometimes you just need chips and dip! Try this lower-fat, but still flavorful version with baked pita chips instead of their fried counterparts. This is a great option to serve guests as an appetizer. 

Delicious banana vegan muffins – An indulgence that’s sugar-free! Packed with flavor and fiber, these muffins will make you think you should feel guilty, but are actually good for you. The kids might even be on board!  

It’s so easy to find quick and nutritious snacking options that will get you through the day. Make sure to check for things like added sugars to ensure you’re getting a nutritional boost without any negative piggy backers. Plan your snacks in advance to avoid poor decisions and you’ll be a snacking pro. Snack on! 

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