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Give Vaccines a Shot: Childhood Immunizations


As a parent, you want to make sure your children are healthy and happy so they can grow up well. So, when it comes to immunizations, it’s natural to wonder about their safety and efficacy.

Here, we clear up myths about vaccines so you can go to your child’s next appointment knowing that you’re making the right choice for them.

Myth: Vaccines cause autism

Fact: Studies conducted by many reputable science-based organizations, including the National Academy of Medicine and the American Medical Association, have shown there is no link between vaccines and autism. In fact, this myth came from a single study in 1998 that has been debunked and retracted. You can rest assured that your child will not develop autism as a result of vaccinations.

Myth: Immunizations aren’t necessary for infants and toddlers

Fact: Many diseases that vaccines prevent — such as measles, meningitis and whooping cough — are most severe in young children, and they can even be deadly without vaccination. Waiting to vaccinate children until they’re older puts them at risk of severe complications from these illnesses.

Myth: A vaccine can infect my child with the disease it’s trying to prevent

Fact: Vaccines may cause mild symptoms resembling the disease, but these symptoms don’t indicate infection. Instead, they are the result of the body’s response to the vaccine, which stimulates the immune system to produce the antibodies needed to protect us from illness.

Myth: Vaccines overwhelm a child’s immune system

Fact: Children’s immune systems are remarkably resilient, even at infancy. Every day, children are exposed to antigens more potent than vaccines — and they fight them off. Vaccines protect children from severe illnesses that they can’t fight off.

Bust more vaccine myths: Childhood Vaccines: Facts Vs. Fiction

Catch up on immunizations

Your family provider or pediatrician can help ensure your child is up to date on vaccinations. Learn more about vaccine schedules and what to expect. Then, find a provider near you and request an appointment.

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