Cardiopulmonary Services in Lodi

Diagnostic services & caring treatment options

Adventist Health Lodi Memorial cardiopulmonary services department is here to serve you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with a broad range of diagnostic and therapeutic services for inpatient and outpatient referrals.

The cardiopulmonary department provides comprehensive programs, combining the latest technology with modern equipment for the testing and treatment of cardiopulmonary and respiratory disorders.

Our services include:

  • Cardiac rehabilitation: To help patients with cardiovascular disease maintain heart health and live an active lifestyle
  • Smoking cessation: To help patients with cardiovascular or pulmonary disease quit smoking to improve their condition

Our team of registered and certified respiratory therapists and ECG techs are caring professionals who specialize in providing specific treatments and tests. As a department, we are committed to quality, actively searching for the latest advanced technologies and always working to improve the services we offer.


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