Maternity Care in Reedley

Few moments in life feel as special as welcoming a baby into the world. Adventist Health Reedley is here to help you make the experience beautiful, memorable and stress-free. Our team of medical professionals is here to add to your experience by offering a warm, comfortable and safe place for you and your family to enjoy the birth of your child.

Our Birth Center in Reedley is equipped with state-of-the-art tools and technology utilized by our friendly and experienced staff to give you the best experience possible. We also have Spanish-speaking staff.

Accredited professionals

Our team of doctors, maternity nurses and other healthcare professionals make sure you get any specialized care you need. The Adventist Health Reedley Birth Center offers family-centered maternity care in a modern facility with the latest technological support including a central fetal monitoring system.

We look forward to meeting you & baby

All our rooms are private delivery suites in which you can labor, deliver and recover. Each suite is furnished with the latest in birthing beds and monitors. Following delivery, your child will remain with you to encourage bonding and a happier baby.

Our other amenities include:

  • Open, spacious delivery rooms for each family, complete with individual bathrooms
  • Comfortable seating for family members in attendance
  • Education and support for breastfeeding - Classes available

The Birth Center staff are specially trained in the areas of maternity and newborn care. Our goal is to provide the safest and most memorable birth experience possible
Childbirth classes to resume soon!

Reedley Birth Center
556 W. Cypress Avenue
Reedley, CA 93654
(559) 391-3980


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