Adventist Rideout Healthy Kids
Adventist Health Rideout Healthy Kids School Assemblies
Eat Well. Move Well. Feel Well. Be Well.
Thought provoking and fun, Adventist Rideout Healthy Kids teaches The 8 Healthy Habits, an interactive musical theater performance that uses light-hearted comedy (think Nickelodeon or Disney Channel) to show students it's cool to be healthy by using skits (often with student participation), humor, and music aimed to teach students how poor health habits will affect them later in life.
Adventist Rideout Healthy Kids
Actors in the assembly sing, dance, act and show that it's fun to be more
active, watch
less TV, and make better choices to eat healthy. This 45-minute assembly
is designed for kids in grades K-6 and is presented at schools throughout
Yuba and Sutter counties.
What participating schools receive
As part of the Adventist Rideout Healthy Kids school program, schools receive
a live theater assembly (45 minutes) for students in grades K-6. We typically
perform for 100 to 500 students per audience but every school has the
opportunity to host an Adventist Rideout Healthy Kids assembly; smaller
schools sometimes combine with other nearby schools at a single location.
Great Reasons to bring Adventist Rideout Healthy Kids to schools
In addition to the assembly, schools will receive follow-up materials for
students, teachers, parents, and health staff, to help extend the nutrition
and health messages throughout the year. Each school will receive a Adventist
Rideout Healthy Kids Resource Kit providing fun, hands-on lesson plans
and reproducible activity sheets to follow up on the enthusiasm generated
by the show.
Adventist Rideout Healthy Kids will teach these important health initiatives:
Eat Well
Making healthier food choices that are full of nutrients can improve memory,
boost creativity, and build overall health.
Move Well
Everyone needs regular physical activity for stronger muscles and to increase
energy, regardless of their shape, size, health or age.
Feel Well
The Journey to Well-Being
Happy. Secure. Content. Peaceful. Healthy. Thriving. This is what we want
out of life. This is what we want for our children. We want to spend more
time in these places of wellbeing and less in stress, worry, sickness
and sorrow.
Be Well
Adventist Rideout Healthy Kids resources will offer a full range of information
and tools to help young people manage their health and their well-being.
Assemblies began February 2014; since that time Adventist Rideout Healthy
Kids has performed for over 150 schools and more than 65,000 young students,
school staff and adults, impacting families throughout the Yuba-Sutter
region with the message of healthy living!
If you have any questions or would like more information about our Adventist
Rideout Healthy Kids assembly performances, contact Paul DeMeritt at 530-713-4793
or Linda Plummer at 530-751-4268 or if you prefer, send an email to
Here is our mailing address and contact information:
Attn: Adventist Rideout Healthy Kids
989 Plumas Street
Yuba City, CA 95991
Ph: 530-749-4300