Tobacco Education

Stop Smoking, Chewing and Vaping

Develop a plan that works!
Classes are offered free of charge as a community service of Adventist Health and Rideout attendance is required for insurance approval of nicotine patch.

Finding Freedom From Smoking
You’ve heard all the reasons why you should quit, join this program to help you pass through the stages and learn the skills you need to be successful for life.

Class Schedule: Wednesdays 4-5 p.m. (Call the number below to sign up for next session)

Location: Adventist Health and Rideout Cardiac Rehabilitation Center 401 I Street, Suite B, Marysville

Instructor: Cathy Gaughan, American Lung Association Certified

Instructor Topics Include:

  • Thinking About Quitting
  • On the Road to Freedom
  • Wanting to Quit
  • Strategies
  • Staying Off
  • Managing Stress
  • Controlling Weight

To register or more information: Call (530) 741-3840

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