Durable Medical Equipment

Everything you need at Oxygen & Medical Supply

There's no question that being active gives you a sense of physical and emotional well-being. But sometimes you need a little help, perhaps after surgery or an injury. At Sonora Oxygen & Medical Supply, we have products and services designed to help you get back to your active lifestyle as quickly as possible. By eliminating barriers and overcoming obstacles, you're on your way to a better quality of life.

Oxygen & Medical Supply provides a wide range of home medical equipment to help improve the quality of life for clients with special needs.

Basic categories of equipment are:

  • Ambulatory equipment such as canes, crutches and walkers
  • Hospital room equipment such as hospital beds and bedside commodes
  • Bathroom equipment such as bath and shower benches, elevated toilet seats
  • Support surfaces such as pressure pads and mattresses for clients at risk of developing pressure sores or decubitus ulcers


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