Adventist Health St. Helena Visitor Guidelines

Effective: October 29, 2022
(All guidance is subject to change as conditions surrounding Covid-19 change)

Visiting hours: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., including weekends
Concierge desk hours: 5 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday – Friday


  • Wear a surgical face mask while in the building. Face masks will be provided at the entrance if the visitor does not have one. Visitors refusing to wear a face mask will be asked to leave the building. Cloth masks are not acceptable, and we will provide surgical masks at the entrance.
  • Practice hand hygiene and social distancing to the best of their ability
  • Promptly leave the hospital once direct visitation with the patient is concluded.
  • Visitors under18 are strongly discouraged

Communications while in the Hospital

  • We understand how difficult it is for patients to be away from their loved ones while hospitalized, and we are committed to keeping them updated by our physicians and our nursing team via phone. The hospital has Facetime available for all patients to connect with their loved ones.

Please contact Sanam Movassaghi, Administrative Director, Organizational Excellence with any questions or concerns at (707) 963-3611 EXT:4852

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