Behavioral Wellness Center

When individuals are in need of a structured setting in which to work toward overcoming symptoms of mental health disorders, they may find benefits from engaging in an intensive outpatient program (IOP).

Services we offer

This treatment option allows individuals to receive thorough treatment that fully addresses their needs in a less restrictive environment than when offered in inpatient treatment or residential care. At the same time, this provides a more structured therapeutic setting than what is typically offered in a traditional outpatient setting.

Through the evidence-based, innovative programs we offer, individuals can receive the life-changing care that guides them in successfully achieving a life free from the symptoms that once plagued them.

We offer a variety of group therapy options, including:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy process group
  • Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) group
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), including mindfulness group
  • Skills presentation group
  • Skills practice group therapy options

With flexible scheduling options, adults can find the relief and support they need to prevent relapse and cope to prevent crises in the future. Learn more about the adult intensive outpatient treatments offered at the Behavioral Wellness Center.

Care professionals for every personality

With a multidisciplinary treatment team consisting of psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, social workers and masters- prepared therapists, we have extensive experience in helping patients use different therapeutic programs.

The admissions process

Prior to engaging in any form of treatment, individuals must first partake in a thorough psychosocial assessment. During these assessments, an individual’s history is reviewed to understand their symptoms and how they have impacted their ability to function on a daily basis. Additionally, the client’s physical and psychological background will be reviewed in order to obtain further pertinent information.

Once this assessment is complete, it is reviewed by clinical staff. The staff determine the most appropriate level of care in order for the individual’s needs to be met. If it is determined an intensive outpatient program (IOP) will be of the most benefit to the individual in need of care, the admissions process will begin.

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