Behavioral Medicine in Los Angeles

If you need a physician or specialist for any reason, please contact our Physician Referral number at (323) 265-5050.

Mental health services

Studies show that a large percentage of people in the United States suffer from a of psychiatric disorder.

If you experience any or all the following, you may need behavioral care:

  • Recurrent thoughts of death
  • An increase in isolative or withdrawn behavior
  • Significant change in sleeping patterns
  • Overwhelming sadness or loneliness
  • Loss of interest, appetite, motivation
  • Severe anxiety and/or panic attacks
  • Recent changes in medication (with secondary behavioral changes)
  • A recent medical or psychiatric hospitalization
  • Active hallucinations

The behavioral medicine services department at Adventist Health White Memorial is a tertiary adult psychiatric facility that treats patients whose behaviors impair function. Our goal is to return patients to the community at an improved level of functioning, using an interdisciplinary, family-centered and culturally sensitive approach.

If you need our services, we'll do an evaluation and, if needed, prescribe inpatient or outpatient treatment that matches your needs. We provide each person with caring and compassionate support toward living to their utmost abilities. Our programs help teach you skills you need to cope with daily stressors.


Every patient, without exception, is referred to their referring physician once they complete treatment. Ongoing reports and communication are provided to your primary care physician throughout behavioral care.

Financial arrangements

Adventist Health White Memorial accepts Medicare, Medi-Cal and private health plans, including most HMOs.

Inpatient services

We provide a safe environment for patients with chronic and persistent mental illness, those suffering from depression and those gravely impaired in their ability to care for themselves.

Our Joint Commission-accredited program focuses on providing short-term crisis intervention to help each person regain functional ability.

Our 35-bed unit includes 23 beds for most patients and 12 beds situated separately and dedicated for patients requiring more intensive treatment and supervision.

How to reach us

Inpatient Admissions
(323) 265-5037


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