In-Patient Palliative Care

The In-Patient Palliative Care Team at Adventist Medical Center works closely with the patient, their family and their primary physician(s), to recommend care options that are consistent with the patient's care goals.

Members of the In-Patient Palliative Care Team may include:

  • A nurse specialist with palliative care training, who also assists with pain and symptom management, discussions regarding medical treatments and who helps to coordinate communication and the care of the patient and family.
  • A social worker who assists with emotional issues, resources and discharge planning.
  • A chaplain can offer spiritual support for patients and families according to their faith and individual needs.
  • Other consulted support staff as needed.

To access the In-Patient Palliative Care program at the hospital, ask your doctor for a referral for Palliative Care Services. We welcome questions from patients and family members.

Contact In-Patient Palliative Care Services at (503) 261-5936.


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