Tillamook Hospitalist Services

Your primary care provider in the medical center

Just as there are physician specialists for your bones, heart and lungs, there are also physicians known as hospitalists who specialize in caring for you when you're hospitalized. The hospitalists at Adventist Health Tillamook are independent practitioners who — like the radiologists, anesthesiologists and emergency room physicians — have signed an individual contract with the hospital to provide specific services.

Coordinated care

The hospitalist is involved in every aspect of your hospital stay and will communicate appropriately with your primary care physician regarding your condition and progress. Hospitalists are hospital-based and provide 24/7 on-call coverage on-site.

Even though more than one hospitalist may see you during your stay, a formal communication process occurs among the hospitalists. This process means you will receive care that is well-coordinated with a rapid response to any change in your condition.

Hospitalist care ends when you are discharged from the medical center. Your primary care provider will receive a report about your care while at Adventist Health Tillamook as well as any direct communication that may have been needed during your stay.

There are other physicians within the community who are independent practitioners in either private practice or as a member of a group of physicians practicing at a local clinic. They may elect to coordinate and provide your medical care while you are in the medical center, or they may, with your consent, ask the hospitalists to oversee your medical center care.

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